Hi, I have issue with this mod: right after the intro (which plays without any problems) screen goes black (but music is playing) and all I can do is press Esc to quit game. I tried it on my laptop with W10 + intel CPU/GPU and on my PC with W10 + AMD CPU + NVIDIA GPU, both behave in the same way - black screen right after game intro. There is no difference if I try to skip intro or watch it to the end. I tried dx9/dd7, windowed mode and different resolutions and all I can see is the black screen after intro. I have GOG version of basic fallout 2 installed: setup_fallout2_2.1.0.17.exe and it runs just fine. As for Nevada I used this file: F2 Nevada Mod (Fixed Edition) HD [v2.0.2.3].exe, install into default location, language set as english. I did a few more tests and It looks like it doesn't matter if I have Fallout 2 installed or not - In both cases I have black screen in Nevada - is it stand alone mod or does it require base Fallout 2 to run? Anyway I'm lost and don't know what to do Any help is appreciated! Answer: The main path of the game and the mod should not be different. Example: Correctly: X:\My Games\Fallout 2 & X:\My Games\Fallout 2\<Mod> Wrong: X:\My Games\Fallout 2 & X:\Games\Fallout 2\<Mod>